Center Harmony Qigong

It is vital to have good health beginning with strong kidney function. The Taoist Qigong School strongly believes in this principle. On this tape, Sifu Vincent Chu teaches a set of thirteen gentle exercises to work on the body by improving qi circulation as well as to increase the activity of the acupuncture meridian point called �Ming Mend�, which is located in the same area as the kidney. The activity aims to improve kidney condition. Each individual exercise works on a specific area of the body to increase qi circulation and body flexibility.

Running Time: 45 Minutes
USD$29.95 $19.95
Format: VCD

Shipping and Handling:
First video within the U.S.: $11.00
First video outside of the U.S.: $20.00
For every additional video: $7.00

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Make check payable to Vincent Chu
Including your name, address, and mail to:

Gin Soon Tai Chi Chuan Federation - Headquarters
33 Harrison Avenue, 5th floor
Boston, MA 02111